What is amazing to you?

For me, it is the absolute astonishment and awareness that comes to every individual visiting Little Uruguay, how they marvel in wonder, how they become absolutely absorbed into the ecology, how they engage with the landscape and settle into deep contemplation, enter into what I like to call 'samadhi vibrations'.

Nature is by itself the greatest of healers. What ever we do, it will self regulate. We see this time and again if we care to look. SO, then, we also are our own greatest healers and most readily, healing exists when we delve and dwell in and as Nature.

What amazes me? When a visitor becomes a client, and we enter together into their ecosystem, when we design and plan their lawn to garden renovation, then when, completely naturally, I see that person transform into a self healer, into a green thumb, when they no longer need me in the garden with them.